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Showing posts from 2005

Tiffany engrossed with iBook

Tiffany engrossed with iBook Originally uploaded by Mohd Adib Noh .

Show time

Show time Originally uploaded by Mohd Adib Noh . Showing my friends of the latest photos I have taken on my recent travel.

Two Apples-one for iPod and one for Tiger

2005 is The Year for Apple!

My congratulations to Apple for being the most innovative for the Year 2005!!! The iPod,the iTunes and The Tiger.I am happy to be a macuser-}} My next purchase is the latest iPod 30G. Now, I enjoy my music and photos. Latest additions to my apps-iWork and Microsoft Office for mac.

Last BTM of 2005

We had our last gathering of BTM on 25th Dec.,2005.I didnot count but at least 20 persons attended-all palmx moderators,their wives and kids and including a grandmother and a grandfather.That was a great family event where all of us brought some foods to share with our friends. Here is the link to the photo that tells a story about the event.Special thanks to Euphoria-the lady with the golden hands whenit comes to camera. Palamx community is not limited to interests in palmOS pda's but now it goes on anything that members can 'play and hold" with their palms like camera,GPS,MacGyver knives etc. I bought my Treo early this year and so far,despite some of the handicaps and randon irritating soft resets,I still prefer my Treo 650 to other pda,especially windoz based.

Raya photos slide shows

This afternoon,I have great time showing my recent Hari Raya Puasa photos to my family members in KL.The photos are loaded into my new iBook iPhotos.From there,I added P. Ramlee song as background.

New iBook G4

Alhamdulilah,yesterday I bought a new iBook G4 to replace my four years old iBook G3.The latter's logic board has failed to work and new one with will make me poorer by RM2200.That was the reason for the decision to get a new one-not to mention that it has better hardwares and latest OS. Last night, I have spend hours to set up my favourites and personal settings.I hope and pray this new toy of mine will last at least another four years as the old one. The addiotional softwares added are:- 1.Skype 2.iTunes 3.Firefox 4.Thunderbird 5.Palm desktop I tried to install YM but the file got corruptrd with excel. Anything else I should have added?

My next iPod

A few days ago,I went to my local mac shop and discovered that iPod Nano is NOT for me.It is thin and cool , but shaky hands will drop it in no time and the screen is too small for my old eye-sight.I will go iPod photo 20G or even consider Sony PSP!


I was comtempleting to buy 20G ipod photo recently, but the coming of iPod Nano made me postphoned the purchase.I think a 4G iPod Nano is more than adequate for me.

IPod station in KL

recently,I went to Low Yatt and was pleasantly suprised to see a shop dedicated to iPod.

An eye for art

An eye for art Originally uploaded by mohdadib . Taken using my palm pda.

Listening via speakers

My ears are feeling some pains after listening to my ipod and my smartphones using earphones.Now,I try to avoid earphones and listen via loudspeakers-both for my Treo650 and my iPod. The above photo shows my iPod with Altec Lnasing IN MOTION.

Bharat Tea House,Cameron Highland,Malaysia

Bharat Tea House Originally uploaded by mohdadib . When my digital camera ran out of memory and the battery at the same,I remember my palm Treo650 and use it to snap this photo.


A few weeks ago,I got introduced to podcast after reading a story about Adam Curry.Using,I subscribed to a few channels... Then,Apple came with iTunes 4.9 that supports podcast.As they say,the rest is history.. Now, I also subscribed to news channels as well. When I attend a lecture,I use my iPod to record and listen again using my headset. Lately, I travel by car quite a lot and my iTrip comes handy.

Life Drive

Yesterday, I was at Notebook shop at KL Sentral and managed to hold the above gadget.RRP is RM 2068.Yes, I onluy hold, but can't afford to get hold of it...

Versamail reset

I have set up two accounts using my Versamail in my Treo650.First is my mac a/c and second is my gmail.Yesterday,every time I tried to get my email from my gmail, my pda resets itself.Then , I delete the a/c and re-set up again. Now, it is working fine. Has my pda/versamail affected by email virus?

My iPod with a flower

My Treo headset:Photo by MBA

Versamail set up for .mac account

Below is what I did to get my versamail to work with my .mac account to recieve and send emails from my Treo650: Account name:Dot Mac Mail service:US-Apple .Mac Protocol:POP press next-> User name:adibi(just user name and not email address) Password:xxxxxx press next-> Email Incoming mail Outgoing mail press next-> Press advanced Port number:995 Tick SSL Press next-> Port: 25 Tick SSL and tick ESMTP Password:xxxxxx Done. This is a trial and error way to get my .mac a/c working with Versamail.

Versamail set up for gmail a/c

Below is what I did to get my versamail to work with my gmail account to recieve and send emails from my Treo650: Account name:Gmail Mail service:Other Protocol:POP press next-> User name:mohdadib Password:xxxxxx press next-> Email Incoming mail Outgoing mail press next-> Press advanced Port number:995 Tick SSL Press next-> Port: 25 Tick SSL and tick ESMTP Password:xxxxxx Done. This is a trial and error way to get my gmaila/c working with Versamail.

My Netbook

Here is another gadget of mine.It is my little notebook which I can put my sling bag without any strains on my old shoulders. I use it mainly to write notes and keep some financial data.

My wireless keyboard

Photos update of June BTM

BTM 25/6//05

This is the first time I have ever uploaded a photo to this blog.The reason is the previously I could not do it without resorting to third party software/server.I am glad now that allowed poor soul like me who use free blog to upload my photos. Today, we have our usual gathering and I met this young man as shown in the photo. He is using Treo600 and I showed him how I use my wireless keyboard to write long notes on my Treo650. About 18 people attended with a few from symbian group.

Treo alarm

Last night,I downloaded a free software as mentioned above.I really like its many alarms ,the connected weather service and simple interface.The overall design needs improvement and I love it more if it has a virtual analogue clock.

Firmware Upgrade

I am glad that I managed to get High Point Service centre to upgrade my Teo650 today. First get SR No from palmone and then saved your files and software in SD card. Then,it is just a breeze.

Phone in Treo

Yesterday,I suffered a phone malfunction.When I pressed the green phone button, nothing happened.It just failed to work. I was fuming mad. Today, I have to do a hard reset to get it back. I think the firmware is the culprit.I have to upgrade as soon as I am free.

Email in Treo

One of my reasons that I bought Treo is to have email built-in my pda.I am frusted that the email software included in the package only can download the email but not sending the email.Is this palmone problem or my telco problem? Why do I need to ride on gmail smtp? Why not palmone facilitate the ease of using email?Now, I can only use versamail to download one of my gmail a/c but failed to use the other. On snapper mail, I can only use my dot mac a/c not my gmail. To me personally, Palmone should do more considering what I have to pay to get Treo650.

Join DiGi

Today, at about 3:30pm I went to KL Plaza to register with DiGi for a postpaid package. I never fancied using DiGi before if not for its unlimited data and EDGE service. Since more than 80% of my time is in KL,I guess the less national coverage is okay.Anyway, I still have my maxis. The voice is activated after 3 hrs but the data/edge is only operational after 24 hrs.

Downloading gmails

While away from my home, I need to check emails from my mailinglist.I put a condition that download only the last 3 days email.The treo using versamail tried to download the whole email archive to my treo. The sysytem then stops it. The result: no email for me:-((

5 days later

I sent a posting to my Mobile Reader on 16/3/05 and only saw it got published today. That is more than 5 day late. I don't think it is the Treo/software problem. It is the telco:-(( My lesson: We can blog wirelessly while on the road, but you can't be sure to them published.

Thanks everyone!

If my arithmetic is still okay, the number of members attended the BTM is 21.The last two were Sam and Harry.It was an enjoyable time for me and I hope everyone feels the same or better.The meeting ended around 5.30pm.


so far 18 persons have arrived and Dr Azmi has to go home early.New arrivals are Sharifudin, mr lee, SM Sabre, MBA,Yusri. Where are you Honeytar,Harry,???


Thirty days had gone by since I got my Treo650.By sheer coincidence, my mobile phone bill arrived with a tsunami shock wave.My normal bill for data usage is RM50 a month ,but last month usage was a whopping RM 365! At this rate , I am going broke in no time:-(( Either I don't use GPRS or I change telco. Most likely, I will do the second one. Note: Just download chattermail.

Treo Update #3

I promised myself to update every week of what I did and felt about my new Treo650 for the next one or two months. So far, I still think that it is the best ever palmOS pda plus smart phone that I ever have since I got entangled with palm111 in 1998.What additional softwares that I have added? Here is the list: 1.Agendus 2.Snapper mail. 3.pTunes 4.praymind 5.Salat 6.Palm Quran 7.Today 8.Verichat. Now ,that leave me with another 8.3MB RAM left.

More communicator than a PDA?

Now my Treo pda is more like my personal communicator than a pda when I was then using T3.I would say it is a smart phone with pda built-in.I think it is quite good in both functions as compared other smart phone from SE. However,when it comes to mp3,I still prefer my iPod.


I download verichat last night and the softwares works flawlessly with my Treo650.The only complain is the AMOUNT of cost of having it.For the moment I am using for free-15 days trial period.

Treo Update #2

Two weeks had paased by since I bought my Treo650. Let me tell the bad news first,so that we can enjoy the best part later. 1.It resets itself one or twice a day when I did something. 2.Second press on green phone button goes to my "Today" and not to pop up "call log". And now the best part:- 1.The photos are great,but couldnot be compared with real camera. 2.It looks beautiful especially in the dark. 3.Navigation is very good. 4.I can read my emails from my mailinglists using my gmail a/c.But to send emails, I have to use snapper mail.Versamail does not work with my Treo.To-date,I still got problems to access my pop mail like mac and streamyx. 5.So far, all third party softwares that I have installed do not cause crash yet.I hope not. 6.I can listen to the Quran via realplayer. That is for now.I have yet to explore video clips or movie or ebooks.

Treo update #1

One week has gone by and I am still using the usual features like contact,calendar,sms,email,memo,task functions. I have yet to explore smart phone,video and mp3 portions of Treo 650. As far as photoblog is concerned, I am using snapper mail as a tool to upload photos to textamerica.Btw, I also have a photo website at One strange thing I notoced yesterday is that my Treo is doing its own soft reset.I honestly felt a little worried that my third party apps may caused some conflicts. Let's wait and far so good:-D

Happy Giler:-))

I got my Treo650 on Wedneday 16.02.05. So, I explored on my own by taking photos and using sms and email. Photos were great! Then I got help from friends to set up my email for my mac/streamyx/gmail but not Jaring.Jaring was excluded because it has too many spams. Last night, I got Nazley helps to uninstall my palm desktop software and set up a new one from Treo.When I wanted to BT "contact", my Treo crashed and we were helpless for a few minutes because none knows how to do a hard set(soft reset didnot work). We tried to call Dr Jamal and SMS but there were mostly sleeping(no answers). Somehow, Nazley managed to guess a way on howto and he manage to get back my Treo to normal.We did not lose any date because we had sync earlier. Happy Giler!!!

New smart phone-Treo650

I ordered my Treo 650 on 6/2/05 and received it 10 days later on the 16th Feb.,2005.It is better late than never.Btw, I have not seen any shop yet in KL selling it.May be I am the few from Malaysian who can't wait and bought through alternative route;-) T hope this is a new beginning for another great romance between a machine an d a man.

Treo 650

Honestly,I just don't understand why PalmOne is delaying the launching of Treo650 in Malaysia. I can't wait,so I followed my friend Dr J to order via his friend from Singapore. Owing to some technical requirements, the machines that already landed in Singapore four days ago can only be shipped to me on the 12th Febuary,2005. It is almost one week delay but in lieu of it, I was given a discount. Btw, my T3 is doing fine.It is now up for sale together with my SE T630.

Connection is a problem

I tried very hard to retrieve sms from my mobile phone using my T3, but it fails many time this late afternoon.Then I have to resort to to a few urgent sms to a business collegue.It was very frustating.... That again reminds me of the coming Treo 65o:-) Bila ler nak sampai2 oii.Gua tak sabar2 lagi dah ni...