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Showing posts from December 29, 2002
I will be on leave for these months of January and Febuary,2003. I hope explore the world of knowledge of project management this year with more vengeance!
Yesterday(2/1/2003), I got a new Handera after exchanging with my 'kapu' old one. Thank God,Peregrine has extra stocks and they asked no questions. I just told the technical guys what happened and they decided I should get a repalcement. Now, I got to get a sync cable with usb to connect to my iBook.
This morning I tweak my Handera again. Then I changed the battery with all new battteries from Energizer. Voila! It comes alive but I bet it will resets itself again. Thank God for it. I am going to subang Jaya tomorrow or as soon as the shop open to exchange for a new one.