How many of us really read the manual of products or equipments when we buy them?
I have yet to read the manuals of my Citroen C5,the T3 and T610;-)
May be I will read them after Eidul fitri...
I was at the CCU of IJN this afternoon trying to get a family member via my hp, but it failed.However, I could send sms!
That isa good lesson in case of emergency.
Now I know why I have problem with my avantgo.My T3 PalmOs5 is not compatible with my previously installed avantgo.I have to download a new os5beta and then only it works.
After I have to reset my T3, I have the problem to send email via versamail. After tap to send email, the processes of connecting,signing on and establishing the contact and getting into smtp server were fine.When it starts sending, the an error message came back with a relay problem.
Did I change the setting whcih Dr Azmi helped to set?
Your comment,please. Thank you.
To-day I got nasty experience using the above. it started to download all my ebooks from my SD card.When I tab on a big file, my T3 started to download all the file contents and hung on me! Then I restored bak alll the file from my bakup file from my SD card. It copied all except the setting of my network.Luckily I remember what Dr Azmi did to set up my email.It works.Then I tap on my Avantgo,then it started to hang requesting for reset.After I reset,then my Avantgo works again.
Now, I dared not use my Doc2Go:-((
I suspect something is not right with my bundled Doc2Go.Now, I am updating it and try to reinstal.
Any comments?