Here is Kan's reply to my enquiry on lady's handphone:
Dear Abedib, as a matter of fact....
The LT-2000 mobile phone:
May I introduce to you, the latest phone for ladies. Yeeees, that's right, a
phone specially for ladies. Featuring 900 hours talk-time for all your
gossipping need, 2 lipstick holders and a foundation-powder at the back, the
LT-2000 is our latest model targeted at ladies who want nothing less than a
full featured, fully integrated make-up kit with tri-band phone. Offering
convenience such as calculator for calculating salesa nd discounts
on-the-fly, a magic-mirror(tm) that makes even the ugliest fairer and of
course, who could forget the calorie watcher electronic table fo watch over
what you eat? All this for a limited time only, at RM1000. Call now and get
a free Rm20 rebate!
#-----Original Message-----
#From: Mohd Adib Noh []
#Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 2:52 PM