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Showing posts from August 15, 2004


Only a handful managed to turn up for our meeting. This month coincides with many wedding events and school holidays.Even the attendance at my surau is reduced quite substancially... Despite not as many as I expected,we always enjoyed each other 's company.Most of us are seasoned palm users,so we talked more about using palm pda for music and photos. One of us seems to carry enough photo equipments that even reall paparazzi will be shocked. He is armed to the teeth... As for me , I am more interested to show my mobile speakers for my iPod. Btw, my thanks to those who helped to reformat my SD card.

CD's Collections

Over the years, my CD's collection is around 50.Not much in numbers because I am not a music lover.Most of them are collectiong dust all over the places and some may got lost. My interest in music improved lately due to my interest in listening to Al-Qur'an via my iPod.The whole Qur'an occupied about 0.5GB and I have got 35 more GB to spare for my my pictures,audio books,voice memos and music. Now, I am in the process of tranfering all from the songs from my CD's to my iPod.Imangine I will have a few hundreds songs in my pocket and I am at liberty to listen to anyone of them whenever and wherever I am. And that is really cool!