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Showing posts from July 27, 2003

Failure to start

It is a front page news in the NST to-day.The Work Minister warned to terminate contractors that fail to start work within a month from the date of possesion of site.The main reason is to avoid delays in project implementation. As a student of project management( I also teach sometimes), we must list down ALL type of delays and the major causes of project delay.When we understand what, where, who,why,when and how,then only we can properly address the issue. How about the higher issues of achieving project goals and objectives? IMHO,most projects will have problems due to incompetent stakeholders. Failure to start is failure to complete.
I tried to use Relate but could not.May be ,I have to ask Nazley at the coming BTM on 2nd August,2003 at Strudel,KL Sentral at 2:30pm.

Risk management

I am pleasantly suprised when a friend talked about risk management in his company projects.He is the project director in his company and he told me the project get into problems not because of technology but due to problems from his people.That is music to my ears. And thank God, this gentleman knows something about project management.Many pretend they know a lot about project management;in fact they know very little. Then, as usual, I began to talk more than I am supposed to in this subject of my passion.What else? I ended getting a talk to deliver to my friend's staff on 7.8.2003 .That is my small contribution to the good project management practice in Malaysia. My first guru in project management told me that 80% of PM is risk management.He agreed.