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Showing posts from December 7, 2003

Adib's Blog: Wireless Keyboard

After trying Nazley's wireless keyboard, I decided to have one for myself. To-day,I went to MyGadget and got one for RM 200. So far, it works fine and I love it. To solve the problem on using in landscape mode,Vincent told me to set my T3 to left-handed at the preference section. There is no need to use control -delete. Once, I resolve my problems to send email from my pda, I will try write my blog The Reader( and post it direct to my blog at

Out-Going Mail

When I am using my streamyx broadband at home, I always got problems to send emails from my jaring or mac a/c.The only way is through a web-based application. Now, I am having similar problem with my palm. I can get mails,but not sending email:-((