A few days ago,I went to my local mac shop and discovered that iPod Nano is NOT for me.It is thin and cool , but shaky hands will drop it in no time and the screen is too small for my old eye-sight.I will go iPod photo 20G or even consider Sony PSP!
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Mohd Adib Noh said…
Thanks to all for dropping by my iPod blog.My apologies for not updating it.Actually, my main blog is at typepad.com
IMG-20111016-Suria KLCC , a photo by Adibi on Flickr. Testing my BBB9900 mobile camera to snap my favourite spot at KLCC.My previous shot was with Treo 680.
While I'm searching for buy ipod nano articles, I found My next iPod that you really put effort into it. I'm impressed with your creative writing skills and sure give me inspiration for my site next articles about buy ipod nano. Thanks for sharing and keep your good writing skills.
The URL is http://adib.typepad.com