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Showing posts from February 19, 2006

Moleskine Notebook:First entry

Today,at last I made the first entry to my first ever moleskine notebook which I bought on the 4th Feb., 2006.I only managed to buy the squared type and the ruled type is out of stock.It contains the summary of business discussion for a project.Previously,I was using Cahier notebook as a start because I am not sure whether I really wanted to use moleskine notebook my personal and business record. From my short experience of using these moleskine products,I prefer ruled version for personal entries and the squared version for business entry.The blank for some creative works.Cahier,IMHO, is good for specific projects.


BTM Originally uploaded by Mohd Adib Noh . Presenting a talk on GTD-Getting Thing Done and how we can use palm PDA to assist us. Btw, the photo was taken by Honeytar using her brand new Tro650 special edition.

Next gadget: GPSr

The time has arrived for me to get into GPS.It is more than one year since I got to know about this device from Dr Azmi,one of our palmx egroup moderators. After some 'serious deliberations' among my techinical advisors,I decided to buy Garmin 60CS-either with an X or without,depending on the price.Kamarul is on the way to Singapore and is willing to buy first for me. Thank you very much to KA for your kindness and trust in me. Later on, I hope to use this for my business in project management as well as for my hobby.