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Showing posts from October 7, 2001
To-day I went bowling for the frist time at Flamingo with my palmx gang. I played two games -62 and 72. Not bad for first timers. But the interesting part is I scored 10 for the last two frames! That made my day to-day. Then we adjourned to Coffee Beans to talk over the games and did our normal 'beaming' with our palms;-)
Now, my palm carries surah Yaasin. I am grateful to Ibrahim and the software May Allah swt reward them with 'pahala' and al-Jannah for their good deeds.
I am happy to note that afew of my fellow palmx members joined me to-day to attend a meeting with MERCY , I hope everyone will contribute within our capacity to support our felloe muslims in distress.
During the last BTM, we discussed about holding an outing with our MTB. It is planned on 28th Oct., at FRIM. Now, I better get myself ready for the trip and check my bike. At the same time, I need to buy a helmet, hand gloves and water bottle. Need to see Azlina for advice.