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Change 2 BBB

Today is the first day of my mobile lifestyle changed from Nokia to Blackberry.It is almost ten months ago since I changed from Nokia E71 to Nokia N8.Looking back on the reasons why I bought N8,it has many apps that I love to have and it's really good camera compared to other mobile cameras.

Lately,when I fell in love with Lumix LX5 compact camera and bought one,I don't feel the need for a good camera on my phone.The one that broke the camel back was whenmy call gets cut off due to my ear touching the touch screen and at times Nokia N8 does HANG on me!Most of the time ,it is okay and can be tolerated.A few days ago,I asked my friends for their opinions and most prefer me to change to iPhone4 or wait for  iPhone5.

Last weekend,I met my nephew who happened to be The President of Blackberry Users Group,Malaysia and he showed me his brand new Blackberry Bold 9900.I tried and I like it for its many useful  phone functions and social media apps.

What made me chose BBB compared to iPhone even though both are very good in their own ways?It is the physical keypad that I prefer to use compared to the virtual one and the messages are incrypted for my business application.


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