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Firmware upgrade from 1.06 to 1.20

I am not confident of doing myself, so I seeked the help a friendly shopkeeper who sells iPod,mac and pda's...He is quite confident of himself and so am I.

Time taken is about 45 minutes and it worked fine except I lost my calendar/datebook data.Before I went to see the friendly shopkeer,I called Bubba,one of the palm pda's sifus in my palmx community and he advised me to keep two copies of my data-0ne in the computer and the other in the SD card of my Treo650. And this I did and I am glad that I followed his advice.

After installing the 1.20 version, my friendly shopkeeper synced with my iBook.I just watched because he is very experience in this type of work.After my Treo650 was synced, he got a shock because calendar and contact data in my Treo! Then I realised but it was too late...Previously, my sync default was my Treo 650 will override my iBook.

I kept cool but a tinker of regret of making the decision to upgrade my phone firmware. But honestly,it was nothing wrong with the decision.It was a genuine mistake due to a little bit of haste in the execution.Both of us wanted to get done fast because we have not had our lunch and the time was almost 2.30pm.

The next obvious thing to do is to restore my Treo650 from my SD card.Luckily, I took Bubba's advice.After a few minutes of restoring process, I did a soft reset and to my consternations, my Treo650 kept doing soft reset continously.Now, my heart beat at 160km/hr and my worst fears seemed to come true.

The friendly shopkeer noticed my disappointments and he said he got no choice but to do a hard reset on my Treo650 and synced again with my iBook.Yes, I got back my contact but not my calendar.He said that is the best I could do.Suddenly, I remember two sifus of my palmx.I believe either Dr Azmi or Bubba should be able to extract my datebook/calendar some where from my SD card or from my iBook.

If any experts happen to read this posting during the week,please call me to brighten my weekend;-)


Berisman said…
Problem resolved.Thanx to SMS and Arsyan.

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